Shauna F. King presents motivating and relevant learning for educators and administrators for any school. Whether your needs are for your whole staff, leadership team, individual teachers, or the parent community, Shauna’s knowledge and experience give her that edge to engage all audiences.
From its inception the school played a role in developing the community, an early center of African American migration into Albany, beyond its educational function.
Let's talk about improving your business marketing...
Our priorities have always remained the same: to help companies maximize their marketing ROI, accelerate customer growth, and gain a lasting competitive edge in their industries. Our background in financial mathematics and digital marketing, give us an analytical and quantitative approach to do just that.
“When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.” – Alexander Den Heijer Discipline in schools has long been centered around compliance and consequences, often overlooking the emotional and psychological experiences of students. Traditional punitive measures like detention, suspension, and zero-tolerance policies assume that students are making conscious...